🌠 Improved Content Importation & Search

In The Community

Obsidian Updates

  • Insider v0.14.7 has a bunch of improvements for Obsidian Publish and Sync, including an improved setup guide for Sync, a new selector for light/dark mode on Publish, and more.

Plugin News

New in Community Plugins

These plugins went through code review and are now available in Obsidian's plugin list. For the full list, check out the plugin stats page.

  • Omnisearch by @scambier is the new and improved search.
  • Calibre by @caronchen lets users access their calibre libraries and read books directly in Obsidian.
  • Obsidian Columns by @tnichols217 lets users create columns more easily.
  • Drag-n-Drop for blocks by @artem-barmin Allows for moving/copying/creating embeds for blocks with drag-n-drop just like Logseq or Roam.
  • Notion-Like Tables by @trey-wallis lets users create markdown tables using an interface similar to that found in Notion.

Pending (as of Friday morning)

Note: Not all new plugins are available in the community list yet, as they need to go through code review first. You can manually install plugins that aren't in the community list yet by using the Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool. Note, though, that this is not as safe as waiting for them to go through code review.

  • Pandoc Reference List by @mgmeyers displays a formatted reference in the sidebar for each pandoc citekey present in the current document.
  • Release Timeline by @cakechaser requites Dataview, but lets users create "yes/no" style visuals like Wikipedia's release timelines.
  • Filename Emoji Remover by @YTolun automatically removes emojis from filenames; this is really handy for sanitizing Readwise imports for Dropbox syncing. I filed an issue suggesting it be expanded out for other filename sanitization 👀
  • Paste image Png to Jpeg by @musug compresses and renames screenshots when you paste them into Obsidian.
  • Folder Index by @turulix will automatically generate a table of contents for the current folder.
  • AutoMOC by @dalcantara7 looks for missing linked mentions to the current note and imports them into the current note.


If you want a comprehensive list of what plugins updated this week, check out this plugin updates index.


Note: these plugins have not yet been submitted for code review, and are being made available primarily for testing purposes.

  • Calibre Importer lets you read your Calibre books directly in Obsidian and allows you to import your book metadata and highlights from Calibre.

For Developers

Feature Requests


  • AbsoluteGruv by @kkYrusobad is new, if you like the Gruvbox palette, check it out.
  • Shimmering Focus differentiates between link types more clearly, prettier buttons, and got a bunch of other new features.
  • Prism v2.0.0 has 8 new color schemes, native styling for callouts, and other improvements but you must install style settings (and restart) for it to work.



Ancillary Tools


I wrote an article about my qualifications to give advice, mostly to reassure myself but also as a reference to help people decide whether I'm worth listening to when I talk about things like how I use folders vs. tags or the value of the graph view. There's also some actual advice tucked in there you might find useful, mostly about tradeoffs between efficiency & thoroughness and the importance of being willing to mess up.