ð Quick Share & a new Minimalist Theme
Group snippets for one-click activation, compare tags and folders, & improve your inline metadata.
Fair warning, I caught a stomach bug from my son and it was too late to arrange coverage for the Roundup by the time I realized how badly it was going to interfere with my productivity yesterday. I'll loop back around later and include all the stuff from this week I didn't get a chance to add in ð
Also, as of last week, the Roundup ships at 8:30 EST instead of 7:30 EST. It's just easier for me to remember, since that's the time my obscure history newsletter ships and I kept mixing them up.
Plugin News
New in Community Plugins
These plugins went through code review and are now available in Obsidian's plugin list. For the full list, check out the plugin stats page.
Inline Scripts by
 lets users type text shortcuts which are then replaced with JavaScript generated text.PodNotes by
 helps you write notes on podcasts.Open Related Url by
 opens URLs found in a note's YAML frontmatterHard Breaks by
 turns soft line breaks in Markdown into hard line breaks.Focus and Highlight by
 is a plugin that will highlight and focus on the currently selected heading.Path Finder by
 is a plugin that can find the shortest path between two notes, similar to the old Journey plugin.Sidebar Toggler by
 offers finer control of the Obsidian sidebars for those who use external window managers.
Pending (as of Friday morning)
Note: Not all new plugins are available in the community list yet, as they need to go through code review first. You can manually install plugins that aren't in the community list yet by using the Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool. Note, though, that this is not as safe as waiting for them to go through code review.
Symbols Prettifier by
 allows users to prettify symbols you commonly type, like arrows.Obsidian Google Calendar by
 lets users interact with your Google Calendar from Inside Obsidian; I suspect it's a more lightweight version of Full Calendar.Group Snippets by
 lets users create a folder of snippets so you can activate them all in one click.Heading Shifter by
 lets users easily shift and change markdown headings.Account Linker by
is a plugin for visual denoting external service accounts (like social media) in YAML front matter.Open File by Magic Date by
 lets users define aMoment.js
date pattern that specifies the file that is most important to you (eg: your daily/weekly/monthly note). It'll also create the file if it doesn't exist alreadyNo dupe leaves by
 will help make sure you don't reopen notes that are already openBetter Inline Fields by
 enhances Dataview style inline fields, mostly by adding toggles for things like true/false and adding improved autocomplete.
Note: these plugins have not yet been submitted for code review, and are being made available primarily for testing purposes.
There's a new plugin for quickly sharing individual notes, with a (free) companion web app over at https://noteshare.space/ although the codebase is completely open-source if you'd rather self-host. Here's the github repository if you'd like to take it for a spin.
Feature Requests
What if we could use YAML to override the filesystem creation time?
Mado Miniflow by
 is a really beautiful minimalist theme that makes Obsidian feel like some of the web-based competitors people always rave about, particularly Doctave.
I found this discussion of why it can be helpful to block tags from showing up on the graph view on Discord useful, as well as the accompanying discussion of the differences between tags and folders.