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🌠 New APIs, + Curated Lists for Vim Users & Interoperability Fans

Digital Decluttering, GitHub Auto Scans, Obsidian on e-ink devices, & a handy autohotkey script for folks who want to control youtube in the background.

Members Public
💚 Updated notes, Discord server, & an anthology

Access an RSS feed of interesting (and occasionally annotated) articles, check out some of my very short stories, and more benefits for financial supporters.

💚 Updated notes, Discord server, & an anthology
Members Public
💰 Some stuff I'm surprisingly happy I bought

A bunch of stuff nobody is paying me to tell you I liked.

💰 Some stuff I'm surprisingly happy I bought
Members Public
🌠Gems of the Year & RSS still isn't dead

Auto-close on Mac, generate TTRPG content, & improve your audio notes transcription

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🌠 Publish updates & highlights syncing

Canvas updates, zen mode, improved podcast handling, & the ability to mass delete tags.

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🌠 Natural Language Search & a New CEO

Improved flashcards in spaced repetition, guides and tools for spacial thinking, and different perspectives on note taking and naming.

Members Public
🌲Building a habit of checking in with the bigger picture

On the importance of knowing when to sit down and dive deep into your notes... so you don't get overwhelmed always keeping them neat.

a forest with a zoomed out lens like an eye in the middle enabling the viewer to see more of the tree
Members Public
🌠 Git plugins & OCR improvements

Improved inbox experiences, more better backlinks, gems of the year voting, & a new scifi theme based on Cyberpunk 2077.

Members Public
📰 On Famines: why and how they happen. To who?

Agrarian societies experience famine for a variety of reasons, including poor governance, war, and weather.

📰 On Famines: why and how they happen. To who?
Members Public
🎓 Recordkeeping

Cloth records, syllabic scripts, and bone calendars.

🎓 Recordkeeping