🌠On Hiatus Due To Impending Baby
Some resources for staying up to date while I'm out on maternity leave.
Hey everybody, happy July!
My baby is due pretty soon and I'm having increasing levels of fatigue and pain due to the pregnancy complications I mentioned back in January. Hopefully I can get things resolved once the baby comes and things settle out there, but in the interests of my health and frankly my family's stress levels, the Obsidian Roundup is going to go on hiatus at least until the new baby is a couple of weeks old and we're settled into a routine with her.
In the meantime, there are still plenty of resources available to help  you stay up to date with community news! It's not really a secret what sources I check to write the Roundup, and the Obsidian team has made huge leaps forward in communicating with the community since they started hiring staff, especially Kepano as the new CEO. He's pretty active on Twitter, Mastodon and Reddit, and don't forget about the official Obsidian blog.
For keeping up to date with plugin news, the Obsidian Plugin Stats database is pretty fantastic, and of course there are other newsletters like PKM Weekly via Curtis McHale. The Obsidian Observer on Medium is also very helpful.
If you know of any other great community resources, please feel free to share them in the comments.
See you on the flip side 💚